All Publications

Showing 501 - 510 of 867

Costs and Benefits of Pilot Testing for Product Development

Cost benefit analysis of pilot testing new products

Food Security Study: Identifying Trends of Food Consumption of Group Lending Microfinance Clients

Report by Kashf Foundation on the effects of the food crisis on their microfinance clients

Innovations in Financial Service Delivery: Scope and Challenges

Assessing the issues in financial service delivery innovations

Developing Agriculture Loan Products for Poor Rural Communities - Metemamen Microfinance Institution: Ethiopia

Pilot testing a new loan product for rural poor farmers

Financial Education: A Bridge between Branchless Banking and Low-Income Clients

Improving outreach of branchless banking among the poor

What Drives Household Borrowing and Credit Constraints? Evidence from Bosnia & Herzegovina

Examines the determinants of households’ participation in the credit market.'

Child Savings Account: A Primer

What are Child Savings Accounts (CSAs) and how do you provide and promote them?

Is there a Link between Quality of Employment and Indebtedness? The Case of Urban Low-income Households in Ecuador

Exploring risks associated with growing informalization of employment

Malawi's Financial Landscape: Where Does Opportunity International Bank of Malawi Fit?

Assessing the impact of innovation grants in financial services