All Publications

Showing 951 - 960 of 1780

Scaling up Microfinance in Eastern and Western Africa with Lessons from India

Drawing lessons from India for developing a sustainable microfinance sector in Africa
Case Study

Sustainable Energy for Rural India: Bhudapada Village, a Case Study

Developing a scalable, financially sustainable business model
Case Study

The Nature of Poverty and its Prospects: Pakistan Evidence

Poverty reduction strategies and their implications in Pakistan
Case Study

The Social Life of Microfinance Projects: Brokerage and Resistance - A Case Study in South India

Examining social intermediation between borrowers and microfinance NGOs

The Vulnerability of 'Self-Help': Women and Microfinance in South India

Examining the role of state institutions in the microfinance sector

A Critical Assessment of Microfinance

How can microfinance co-exist with traditional credit institutions in Afghanistan?
Case Study

Cost-benefit Analysis of CFPR

Survey based analysis of program benefits

Crafting a Graduation Pathway for the Ultra Poor: Lessons and Evidence from a BRAC Programme

BRAC's approach to create a graduation pathway for the ultra poor
Case Study

Delivering Microfinance and Social Services in Conditions of Fragility in Nepal

Strategies to deliver goods and services to populations affected by the Maoist insurgency in Nepal
Case Study

Microfinance and the Millennium Development Goals in Pakistan: Impact Assessment using Propensity Score Matching

Examining the impact of microfinance in achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Pakistan