All Publications

Showing 591 - 600 of 886

The Development of Microfinance in Pakistan

Exploring key developments in grassroots financial services

A Billion to Gain? A Study on Global Financial Institutions and Microfinance

Attitudes and activities of global commercial banks towards microfinance

Access to Financial Services in Colombia: The "Unbanked" in Bogota

How to make financial services available to the low-income population of Colombia?
Case Study

ALMAO and YASIRU, Sri Lanka

Lessons learnt in providing microinsurance schemes targeting the rural poor

An Inside View of Latin American Microfinance

Illustrating evolving Latin American microfinance models

Bangladesh Microfinance Country Profile

Overview of microfinance sector in Bangladesh

Beyond Microfinance: Building Inclusive Rural Financial Markets in Central Asia

The imbalance in rural financial markets development in select Central Asian countries

Building Strong Networks: An Institutional Strengthening Guide for Microfinance Networks

A technical guide for strengthening regional and country-level microfinance networks.

Country-Level Effectiveness and Accountability Review (CLEAR): Sri Lanka

Analysis of Sri Lanka's microfinance sector and recommendations for donor action

Davids & Goliaths in International MicroFinance: The Challenge for Specialized Raters

The challenge for the future of microfinance raters is acceptance by large international investors