All Publications

Showing 3921 - 3930 of 9052

Why Social Performance Management? A Note for Microfinance NGO Networks

Why should NGO networks encourage MFIs to adopt social performance management?

Women's Empowerment through Islamic Microfinance in Egypt

Eradicating gender discrimination and women's poverty through microfinance
Case Study

A Case for Sustainable MFI: Dumarwana SFCL

Analyzing the sustainability of an MFI in Nepal

A National Policy for the Informal Economy in Papua New Guinea

Improving livelihoods of poor households through informal income-generating opportunities

A Primer on Currency Risk Management for Microfinance Institutions

Recommending effective foreign exchange hedging practices for MFIs

A Social Performance Analysis of Italian Microfinance

Assessing social impact of MFIs in Italy

Access to Finance in Andhra Pradesh

Results from pioneering household survey on access to finance

ALTIS: A Microfinance Startup in Rural Nepal

Focusing on agricultural microfinance for the poor