All Publications

Showing 7351 - 7360 of 9043

A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh

Are subsidies for Grameen well spent?

A Little at A Time: The Use of Regularly Scheduled Repayments in Microfinance

Formal microfinance and informal lenders: crowd in or crowd out?
Guide / Toolkit

A Poverty Outreach Index and its Application to Microfinance

An argument in favor of self-reliant microfinance organizations

A Review of Commitment Savings Products in Developing Countries

The relative merits of different product designs for savings products in developing countries

Access to Financial Services in Botswana

How can access to financial services be improved in Botswana?

Access to Financial Services in Swaziland

What is the status of financial services in Swaziland?
Case Study

Agrocapital & Bai Tushum: Lessons from 2 Rural Financial Service Foundations

Can foundations deliver rural financial services effectively?