All Publications

Showing 4491 - 4500 of 9052

The Triple Bottom Line for Microfinance

Monitoring economic, social and environmental effects of microfinance activities

A Comparative Study of Microfinance in Nepal and Bangladesh

Comparing key indicators of microfinance services and strategy

Best Practices in Collections Strategies

Considerations for MFIs when implementing collection activities
Guide / Toolkit

Business Logistics of Informal Lending

How do money lenders in India work?

CGAP Virtual Conference: Microfinance and the Financial Crisis

Proceedings from the CGAP Virtual conference “"Microfinance and the Financial Crisis”", 2008

Challenges and Opportunities for Banking Remittances: Key Elements Needed to Develop a Strategy to Bank Recipients of Remittances

Leveraging the economic impact of remittances in developing countries

Developing Decentralized Financial Services: Project Review

Improving outreach of financial services in remote and rural areas of Kenya

Developing the Microcredit Market in Poland

Meeting the growing credit demand for microenterprises in Poland
Case Study

Do Social Networks Solve Information Problems for Peer-to-Peer Lending? Evidence from

Exploring the role of social networks in identifying risks on online lending platform
Guide / Toolkit

End Market Research Toolkit: Upgrading Value Chain Competitiveness with Informed Choice

Identifying high-potential market segments for products and services