Guide / Toolkit

End Market Research Toolkit: Upgrading Value Chain Competitiveness with Informed Choice

Identifying high-potential market segments for products and services
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This toolkit informs implementers on the process and value of end-market research for value chain development. It provides a portfolio of tools as well as case studies of their practical application. The toolkit is structured into phase I - secondary end-market research - and phase II - primary end-market research. The paper structures the actual analysis around Six Cs, namely, choice, context, channels, customers, competitors and communication. Linear progression through the two phases and Six Cs provides a clear roadmap for designing and implementing an effective and efficient end-market research effort. The tool kit uses the Afghan dried fruits and nuts sector as a case study to provide context and shows how the various tools were used to inform a comprehensive value chain upgrading strategy. It also provides additional guidelines to assist implementation of the tools. These include a Question Guide to one of the Phase I tools, and guidelines for designing surveys, conducting interviews and conducting focus groups to support Phase II.

About this Publication

By Henning, R., Donahue, N. , Brand, M.