All Publications

Showing 541 - 550 of 886

Assessing the Commercial Market for Health Care: Bangladesh

What hinders commercial private sector involvement in the health market in Bangladesh?

Danish NGOs and Microfinance

Analyzing Danish NGOs’ involvement in microfinance

Ethiopia: Microfinance Country Scan

The document presents an overview of the current state of the Ethiopian microfinance sector

Getting to Scale in Housing Microfinance: A Study of ACCION Partners in Latin America

Key success factors as well as challenges and barriers for reaching scale in housing microfinance

Markets and Housing Finance

Examining variation in housing finance provision across countries

Microfinance Market Survey in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip

Do Palestinian microentrepreneurs express a need for microfinance?

Study on Microenterprise Financing and Development

Catalogue of good practices for supporting microenterprise activities

Country-Level Effectiveness and Accountability Review (CLEAR) with a Policy Diagnostic: Pakistan

Massive funding and a sound regulatory framework are not sufficient to build strong institutions

Microfinance in Germany and Europe: Market Overview and Best Practice Examples

Insights from successful microfinance initiatives in Europe