
Study on Microenterprise Financing and Development

Catalogue of good practices for supporting microenterprise activities
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This study identifies existing European programs, methodologies and services that have been effective in promoting entrepreneurship, and sets out recommendations for them to be transferred to other contexts to support microenterprise development. It also makes it possible to identify and deal with bridges and barriers that currently exist between the social system, employment, business and financial system. The study classifies supportive activity into financing, monitoring, supportive and administrative measures. It identifies thirteen European initiatives on the basis of their innovative focus and results. The main recommendations drawn from the analysis take into account key aspects that are fundamental to social inclusion and self-employment. These include:

  • Offer simple access;
  • Contribute to the development of a legal framework;
  • Augment guarantee structures;
  • Offer financial and support tools;
  • Promote training in granting and managing loans;
  • Provide simple, easy-to-use information tools;
  • Offer qualitative support before and after the loan;
  • Make the renting materials easier;
  • Offer market access programs;
  • Drive the combination between microenterprise development and fair trade.

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