All Publications

Showing 441 - 450 of 877

MDGs and Microcredit: An Empirical Evaluation for Latin American Countries

Does credit positively impact income and education?

Microfinance Impact in Chile: A Tale of Two Cooperatives

Studying the impact of MFIs

Poverty and Globalization Study: Cases Bolivia and Nicaragua

A look at the relationship between poverty and globalization

Reaching Rural Areas with Financial Services: Lessons from Financial Cooperatives in Brazil, Burkina Faso, Kenya, and Sri Lanka

Insights from successful financial cooperative networks

Rural Finance for Small Farmers: An Integrated Approach

Expanding responsively and sustainably into rural areas

Teaching Entrepreneurship: Impact of Business Training on Microfinance Clients and Institutions

Entrepreneurship training: Impact on economic outcomes for the poor
Guide / Toolkit

A Simple Poverty Scorecard for Haiti

A scorecard to track poverty changes over time and report on poverty rates in Haiti
Case Study

Evaluating the Role of Peruvian Credit Unions: A Case Study of 8 Credit Unions

Examining client characteristics of Peru’'s credit unions

Nicaraguan Remittance Senders Research Report

Examining users' perceptions on remittance services