All Publications

Showing 351 - 360 of 576

Strategic Impact Inquiry on Women's Empowerment: Report of Year 1 (July 2004 - June 2005)

What are the impacts of CARE on women's empowerment?

A Win-Win for Exchanging Tools and Ideas: South Africa

How do win-win relationships aid in market development?

Reducing Poverty and Food Insecurity: Ethiopia

Can microfinance help the extreme poor?

The Influence of Microfinance on the Education Decisions of Rural Households: Evidence from Bolivia

Can microfinance change the mind-set about education?

Can Micro-Credit Bring Development?

How does microsaving support the long-term effects of microcredit?

Business Development Services for Female Microfinance Clients in Peru: A Randomised Impact Evaluation

Outlining the objectives and design of a business development services intervention in Peru

Impact Assessment Report of Village Savings & Loans Component (VS&L)

How does a village savings and loan program impact the lives of the village women?

Benefits of Client Assessment

Improving programs using client assessment information

Impact of Microcredit on Clients in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The impacts of microcredit on entrepreneurs, their households, and their microenterprises