
Business Development Services for Female Microfinance Clients in Peru: A Randomised Impact Evaluation

Outlining the objectives and design of a business development services intervention in Peru
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This paper proposes a study to analyze the potential of complementing the financial services offered by village banks in Peru with business development services (BDS) to benefit female micro-entrepreneurs in marginal urban and rural areas. The paper:

  • States that non-regulated MFIs provide credit to excluded populations in Peru, but the latter has no access to BDS training;
  • Proposes the incorporation of BDS training into the MFIs (FINCA Peru) village banking framework.

The ten month long study that the paper outlines will:

  • Assess the impact of combining microfinance with BDS services through a random assignment of banks to control and treatment groups;
  • Explore the effect of the intervention on different measures of the sustainability of banks as well as on the growth of businesses and the welfare of clients;
  • Measure changes at the individual, institutional and market levels to evaluate impact;
  • Conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the intervention;
  • Analyze the nature of microfinance clients demand for BDS.

The paper also provides details of:

  • Study methodology and design;
  • Data requirement and sources;
  • Dissemination strategy;
  • Project team.

About this Publication

By Frisancho, V., Gonzales, M., McConnell, M., Valdivia, M.