All Publications

Showing 561 - 570 of 1017

Mid-Term (12 Month) SKS Ultra Poor Process Evaluation

SKS's Ultra Poor model implemented in Andhra Pradesh

No Footsteps to Follow: The Talent Gap in the Development Finance Sector in India

Highlighting human capital issues in the development finance sector

Status of Microfinance in India: 2008-09

Analyzing progress and performance of microfinance

Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojona: How Much Effective as a Safety Net?

Evaluating the success of a government sponsored microfinance program in India
Case Study

Case Study: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)

Reviewing NABARD'’s objectives as a development bank

Cost-Benefit and Usage Behaviour Analysis of No Frills Accounts: A Study Report on Cuddalore District

Highlighting gaps in the implementation of a financial inclusion drive in Tamil Nadu, India

Does Microfinance Reduce Poverty in India?

Analyzing impact of MFI access on household poverty
Guide / Toolkit

Business Logistics of Informal Lending

How do money lenders in India work?

For India's Microfinance Institutions, Governance is the Key to Sustained and Scalable Growth

Analyzing the impact of governance challenges on Indian MFIs

Greening Microfinance to Turn Waste Into Wealth

Examining potential of integrating clean energy initiatives with microfinance