All Publications

Showing 7181 - 7190 of 9043

ACCION Poverty Outreach Findings: SOGESOL, Haiti

Has SOGESOL reached out to the poor?
Case Study

An Assessment of Poverty Outreach of Palli Daridro Bimochon Foundation (PDBF)

Measuring Poverty Outreach and Impacts of a Microfinance Institution in Bangladesh

Changes in Consumption and Saving Behavior Before and After Economic Shocks: Evidence from Zimbabwe

Prolonged periods of drought and macroeconomic changes limit households' long term risk mitigation

Credit with Education Impact Review No. 3: Children's Nutritional Status

Do microcredit services directly affect children's nutrional status and, if so, how?

Financial Sector Development in SEE: The Roles of EU Accession and Basel II

What role can EU accession and Basel II play in financial sector development in South East Europe?

Financial Services for the Rural Poor

What can donors do to improve access to financial services in rural areas?

From Recipients of Reparation Payments to Shareholders of Microfinance Institutions: A Study of the Possible Relations between Reparations for Victims of Human Rights Abuses and Microfinance

Can MFIs provide the necessary institutional framework for a sustainable impact on such recipients?

Local Government Finance, Private Resources, and Local Credit Markets in Asia

How effective are the local credit markets in Asia?

Market Intelligence: Making Market Research Work for Microfinance

How can market intelligence benefit MFIs in a competitive environment?