All Publications

Showing 7471 - 7480 of 9043

Reforming Housing Policies in Latin America Learning from Experience

How can housing finance policies in Latin America be improved?

Regulation on Capital Adequacy

What are the provisions of regulation on capital adequacy for banks?

Regulatory Environment: The Jordanian Experience

Mainstreaming microfinance services in Jordan

Regulatory Requirements for Microfinance: A Comparison of Legal Frameworks in 11 Countries Worldwide

Summary and comparison of regulatory requirements for microfinance institutions in eleven countries
Case Study

Relevance and Priorities of ICT for Women in Rural Communities: A Case Study from Nigeria

Does microfinance with information and communication technology (ICT) impact poverty alleviation?

Remittances, the Rural Sector, and Policy Options in Latin America

Foreign remittances: importance and policy needs in Latin America

Republic of Turkey: Law for Foundations

Directive governing the establishment and functioning of foundations in the Republic of Turkey
Case Study

Response Required: Mitigating Risk in African Credit Unions Serving HIV/AIDS-affected Communities

How can Credit Unions mitigate risks posed by prevalence of HIV in Africa?