All Publications

Showing 8881 - 8890 of 9041

Policy Goals, Reform, and Microenterprise Development

What policies can the government implement in order to support small and medium enterprises?

The Banking Company (Amendment) Act, (Bangladesh) 1995

What are the amendments to the Banking Company Act of Bangladesh?
Case Study

The Institutional Evolution of the Microenterprise Field, 1989-1995

What changes has the microfinance sector experienced?

The Role for Solidarity Group Lending in Microenterprise Financing

What are the special features of solidarity group lending?

Design Issues in Rural Finance

A review of government policy making in rural development
Case Study

Proposed Small and Microenterprise Program Activities for USAID in Hungary: The GEORGETTE Project

Helping small and medium enterprises in Hungary

USAID Microenterprise Development Office: Services and Activities

Implementing USAID's microenterprise initiative (MI)

Russia's Changing Financial System: The Monetary Situation in Early Summer 1995

The Central Bank of Russia's potion has changed. What is its role in regulation and supervision?

State-Owned Agricultural Development Banks: Lessons and Opportunities for Microfinance

Is it possible for agricultural development banks to make the change?