
State-Owned Agricultural Development Banks: Lessons and Opportunities for Microfinance

Is it possible for agricultural development banks to make the change?

This paper examines the potential role of state-owned agricultural development banks as providers of microfinancial servicesIt finds that:

  • Successful restructuring of development banks can only occur in an environment of structural adjustment, with macroeconomic and financial liberalization;
  • A healthy and dynamic agricultural sector facilitates the emergence of a reformed rural development bank;
  • Most successful development bank reforms have begun with the shift from outside (donor) to internal (deposit-based) funding;
  • Decision-making should be decentralized to the branch level, to take advantage of local information for screening and monitoring;
  • Portfolio diversification should be sequential to decentralization and deposit mobilization;
  • An important legal change required to implement delegated decision-making and performance-based remuneration for branch managers and loan officers is the ability to hire, promote, and fire staff free from civil service regulations;
  • Eliminating the role of any non-financial ministry on the board appears to be a necessary though not a sufficient condition to avoid strategic behaviour at the board level;
  • Recapitalization should be considered following partial or complete cleaning up of the balance sheet.

Finally the document concludes that:

  • Strategic implementation issues would have to reflect initial conditions in each country;
  • It is important to understand the political economy context of the transformation;
  • Unless strong coalition favours restructuring, nothing can be accomplished. An important task for donors is to promote and nurture such coalitions;
  • Once agreement has been reached, the donors most important contribution would be technical assistance for the upgrading of policies, technologies and organizational design.

About this Publication

By Gonzalez-Vega, C. , Graham, D.