All Publications

Showing 7861 - 7870 of 9043

Towards Women's Empowerment and Poverty Reduction: Lessons from the Participatory Impact Assessment of South Asian Poverty Alleviation programme in Andhra Pradesh, India

Comprehensive program addressing poverty, women empowerment and social development

Trends in Microfinance Capital Structure

How are Latin American MFIs faring?

Turkey: Regulation on Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy of Banks

How can banks maintain their capital adequacy requirements?
Case Study

Uganda Microfinance Union (UMU): A Case Study

What factors are responsible for the success of microfinance institutions?

Unfinished Business: The Need for More Effective Microfinance Exit Monitoring

Exit monitoring: Is it really needed?

Using Microfinance to Improve the Quality of Reproductive Health Services

Does extension of microcredit to reproductive health service providers improve their service?

Weather Risk Management for Agriculture and Agri-Business in Developing Countries

Weather Management Risks: Challenges and Opportunities

What Modes of Intervention Can Strengthen the Contribution of Microfinance to the Financing of Agriculture?

How can microfinance efficiently finance agriculture?

Whose Poverty Matters? Vulnerabilty, Social Protection and PRSPs

Assessing PRSPs and I-PRSPs developed to tackling poverty in low-income countries

Women and Men in Rural Finance in the Syrian Arab Republic: State-Owned Banking vs. Self-Manged Microfinance

Is there common ground between ailing development banks and new microfinance initiatives?