
Using Microfinance to Improve the Quality of Reproductive Health Services

Does extension of microcredit to reproductive health service providers improve their service?
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The Summa Foundation in Uganda, a non-profit, identified private health service providers to provide them with loans to improve their businesses. This research brief outlines the program and its impact. The loans disbursed by the foundation, through the Uganda Microfinance union, helped the private service providers in:

  • Increasing the range and quality of reproductive services provided by them;
  • Providing marketing and sales support towards running their businesses profitably.

The Foundation also implemented capacity building measures to improve the sustainability of the businesses in the following areas:

  • Business skills training, including business planning and management;
  • Financial record keeping;
  • Loan management;
  • Training to improve to quality of care with the following components:
    • Information on client-provider interaction,
    • Ensuring availability of drugs and supplies,
    • Hygiene and sanitation,
    • Patient confidentiality,
    • The affordability and accessibility of services.

CMS conducted a study to evaluate the impact of the intervention. Measurement of different client perceptions before and after the intervention concluded that the quality of the services improved due to the microfinance program.

The research brief concludes by summarizing the implications of the program and the benefits of funding the private sector in health compared to the public sector.

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