All Publications

Showing 8431 - 8440 of 9043

Cost Benefit Analysis Applied to Micro Credit Program Evaluation

Can Cost Benefit Analysis be used for impact assessment?

Housing Policy: Developing a Market-based Housing Finance System

Examining how to prevent distortions in the market from the subsidised housing finance approach

Impact of Credit with Education on Mother's and Their Young Children's Nutrition: CRECER Credit with Education Program in Bolivia

Mixing micro credit, education and health: Interesting results from Bolivia

Increasing Indebtedness, Institutional Change and Credit Contracts In Peru

What stimulated credit in Peru and what are the range of responses?

Microfinance Essentials: A Synthesis of Lessons Learned

Providing access to institutional banking services

Some Lessons for Regulation from Recent Bank Crises

How can the probability of banking crises be reduced?
Case Study

Spinning Off for Sustainable Microfinance: Save the Children Federation into JWDS, Al Majmoua, and FATEN

Spinning off microfinance programs into new entities

The Microfinance Promise

What might microfinance deliver?

Building a Multi-Sectoral Response: Follow-up Assessment of Programming for Children and Families Affected by HIV/AIDS in Kenya

How can the social, health, and economic needs of those affected by HIV/AIDS be addressed?