
Building a Multi-Sectoral Response: Follow-up Assessment of Programming for Children and Families Affected by HIV/AIDS in Kenya

How can the social, health, and economic needs of those affected by HIV/AIDS be addressed?

The paper presents a USAID/Kenya and UNICEF/Kenya assessment of the situation of families, children, and communities affected by HIV/AIDS. The paper states that the social, health, and economic needs of those affected by HIV/AIDS can be addressed through two operationally separate projects: one that specialises in mobilising community support for families affected by HIV/AIDS, the other that fortifies household economic resources by providing microfinance services. Based on the assessment, the paper says that USAID/Kenya projects should:

  • Build local capacity to address the needs of children affected by HIV/AIDS;
  • Integrate orphan and vulnerable children issues into other development programs and sectors;
  • Link prevention, care, and support activities;
  • Incorporate comprehensive adolescent programs.

The soft copy of the document is not available at present.

About this Publication

By Donahue, J. , Sussman, L.