All Publications

Showing 7171 - 7180 of 9051

The Impact of Micro Finance on Poverty and Gender Equity: Approaches and Evidence from Pakistan

Parameters for examining the impact of microfinance on poverty alleviation and gender equity
Case Study

The Lessons in Development: The AKRSP Experience

Proceedings from the International Conference organised by AKRSP along with DFID and CIDA, 2003

The Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934

What is the role of The Reserve Bank of India in financial management?

Colombia - Rural Finance - Access Issues, Challenges and Opportunities, Vol. 1

How to improve access of financial services in rural Colombia?

Empowering the Poor - Local Governance for Poverty Reduction

What is UNCDF's strategy on poverty reduction

Improving Access to Financial Services for Low-Income Rural Households and Microenterprises in Indonesia: The Potential for Further Development of Local Government-Owned Financial Institutions

An attempt to identify the most suitable type of microfinance institution for villages in Indonesia

International Investment Funds: Mobilising Investors towards Microfinance

How can investment funds contribute to the development of the microfinance sector?

Looking Ahead - Opportunities for Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in Financial Development in Southeast Europe

Can public private partnerships succeed in financial sector development?

Looking for Long-term Wellbeing: Access to Credit and the Impact on Rural Households

Constraints in accessing credit limit asset accumulation by poor households?