
Colombia - Rural Finance - Access Issues, Challenges and Opportunities, Vol. 1

How to improve access of financial services in rural Colombia?

The history of rural finance in Colombia is characterized by a system which channels benefits to limited numbers of beneficiaries, at the expense of the economy as a whole. This paper finds that access to financial services in rural Colombia is limited and segmented, and traces this to:

  • Inadequate services;
  • Lack of innovation in financial intermediation in rural areas;
  • Outdated model of public intervention in agricultural credit.

The paper recommends reforms to exploit the existing private (including cooperative) and public institutional base, and calls for:

  • Re-directing public interventions;
  • Substantially expanding institutional outreach;
  • Facilitating high quality financial services in rural areas.

In the past powerful agricultural lobbies, such as coffee, livestock etc., have led to sector-biased legislation in Colombia. Hence the paper also calls for a review of the policy environment in the country:

  • Substantially revising the usury law;
  • Reforming the legal and judicial framework;
  • Using moveable property as collateral.

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