All Publications

Showing 6811 - 6820 of 9051
Case Study

China: IFAD's Assistance with Reform of the Rural Finance Sector

Lessons from International Fund for Agricultural Development's Rural Finance Sector Program in China

Development of Credit Reporting Around the World

A comprehensive overview of credit registries

Distance Learning May be Best Way to Train MFI Staff

Advantages of distance training
Case Study

Equity Building Society: A Domestic Financial Institution Scales Up Microfinance

What lessons can be learnt from Equity Building Society's experience in microfinance?

Financing Small and Medium-size Enterprises with Factoring: Global Growth in Factoring - and its Potential in Eastern Europe

How can small and medium enterprises in Eastern Europe benefit from factoring finance?

Global Results: Analysis and Lessons

Describing current donor challenges and recommendations for increased effectiveness in microfinance

Global Village Energy Partnership: Harnessing Energy for Poverty Reduction: People, Productivity and Partnerships

Proceedings from "Consumer Lending and Microfinance to Expand Access to Energy Services", 2004
Case Study

India: Women's Self-Help Groups in Andhra Pradesh - Participatory Poverty Alleviation in Action

How have self-help groups (SHG) contributed to poverty alleviation in Andhra Pradesh?

Information Sharing among Competing Microfinance Providers

When MFIs operate in the same market, is their relationship likely to be competitive or cooperative?

Innovation in Agricultural Insurance: Linkages to Microfinance

Index insurance: A unique opportunity for microfinance entities