All Publications

Showing 6751 - 6760 of 9051

Microfinance Research in Conflict Environments: State of the Art and the Road Forward

What are the lessons learnt about microfinance in conflict affected areas?.

Money is Not Enough: Social Capital and Microcredit

Has microcredit proved to be the panacea for the twin US economic ills of poverty and inequality?

Overview of the Microfinance Industry in the ECA Region in 2003

Which institutional model of microfinance is most productive and profitable?
Guide / Toolkit

Policy Brief: OECD Principles of Corporate Governance

Recommending measures to enhance the effectiveness of corporate governance

Poverty, Structural Transformation, and Land Use in El Salvador: Learning from Household Panel Data

Analyzing trends in structural transformation and living standards in El Salvador

Project USIZO: Management Report

What role does tradition play in the importance given to funerals?

Refuge to Return: Operational Lessons for Serving Mobile Populations in Conflict-Affected Environments (Micro Note)

Refuge to Return: An effective micro-lending program for refugees

Regulation and Supervision of Microinsurance

Developing an enabling regulatory framework for microinsurance
Case Study

Report of the Findings from the LAPO Client Exit Study: Nigeria 2003

Why are clients leaving Life Above Poverty Organization's microfinance program?