
Microfinance Research in Conflict Environments: State of the Art and the Road Forward

What are the lessons learnt about microfinance in conflict affected areas?.
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This paper summarizes the major lessons emerging from research on microfinance in armed conflict settings to identify areas for further examination. The paper states that using the lessons learned as a foundation, further research could promote a better understanding of the appropriateness of microfinance for conflict mitigation and management.

The author lists lessons learnt from the experiences:

  • Microfinance can be sustainable in conflict-afflicted environments;
  • Products need to be adapted by means of in-depth market research;
  • Qualified and experienced staff is necessary;
  • Start-up and operating costs are high;
  • Subsidies should not be allowed and repayments should be strictly dealt with.

The paper argues that there is a disparity between lessons and actual practices. It advocates improved guidance on microfinance in conflict areas, and suggests analytical tools to look at:

  • The characteristics of conflict environments, impact of conflict on poverty levels, cultural sensitivities;
  • The links between various types of crisis;
  • Alternative financial systems.

The paper concludes by identifying areas for further research that include:

  • Appropriateness of microfinance;
  • Sequencing of microfinance and other services;
  • Institutional choices;
  • Targeting through specialization, especially of the women and the youth;
  • Information on microfinance other than credit;
  • Standardized versus tailored products;
  • Cost of services;
  • Clear guidelines for donors to identify effective microfinance partners.

About this Publication

By Nagarajan , G.