All Publications

Showing 6741 - 6750 of 9051
Case Study

Combining Methodologies for Better Targeting of the Extreme Poor: Lessons from BRAC's CFPR/TUP Programme

How effective is combining different methodologies to target the extreme poor?

Developing Housing Microfinance Products in Central America

Can microfinance institutions provide good housing finance products?

Financial Education: A Win-Win for Clients and MFIs

How to design effective financial education courses?

Financial Sector Policy Issues Note: Vietnam Bank for Social Policies

Assessing the implications of the creation of Vietnam Bank for Social Policies

Financing Microfinance: "Transitions to Private Capital"

What are the main issues to be considered in the transition to private capital?

Housing Microfinance

Offering finance to meet housing needs of the poor

Integrating Poverty Assessment into Client Assessment

Can assessment help MFIs further their mission of poverty alleviation?

Kenya-Uganda Study Tour: Learning About Successful Microfinance Models

A novel experiment in learning by doing in East Africa

Measuring Outreach Conceptual Workshop Proceedings 22-23 January 2004

Proceedings from a conceptual workshop "“Measuring Outreach”," 22-23 January 2004

Microfinance Amid Conflict: Taking Stock of Available Literature

A review of the literature on microfinance in conflict situations