
Measuring Outreach Conceptual Workshop Proceedings 22-23 January 2004

Proceedings from a conceptual workshop "“Measuring Outreach”," 22-23 January 2004
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This document presents the conceptual framework that will guide the Measuring Outreach of MFIs research topic under the Accelerated Micro-enterprise Advancement Project (AMAP) Knowledge Generation task order.

The Measuring Outreach project:

  • Aims to develop a standardized set of easy-to-collect and useful social return indicators;
  • Defines social returns within the cost-benefit framework;
  • Analyzes this framework through six dimensions of outreach - cost, worth, scope, breadth, depth and length;
  • Collaborates with the Microfinance Information Exchange (the MIX), on indicator development;
  • Aims to promote the establishment of social return benchmarks as measured by performance on the outreach indicators.

The paper highlights the importance of fulfilling project objectives, as follows:

  • To serve as a catalyst to increase the supply of socially responsible investment (SRI);
  • To advance knowledge and practice in social return measurement (SRM);
  • To arm MFIs with tools to lay claim to social benefit creation in measurable ways and thus assert their net contribution to social well-being.

The paper presents the following objectives of the conceptual workshop:

  • Reviewing literature and examining alternative conceptual approaches to outreach and SRM;
  • Agreeing on a workable conceptual framework;
  • Developing a specific research plan.

The paper concludes by outlining the following findings of the workshop:

  • The cost-benefit framework was the most useful one for measuring social return;
  • The six dimensions of outreach had the greatest potential for developing a set of standardized indicators.

About this Publication

By Woller, G. , Schreiner, M.