All Publications

Showing 6681 - 6690 of 9051

Microfinance In the Arab States : Building Inclusive Financial Sectors

How has the microfinance industry grown in Arab States?

Microfinance Regulation: Lessons from Benin, Ghana and Tanzania

What is the connection between regulation and the development of MFIs?

New Ways for Rural Finance? Livestock Insurance Schemes in Vietnam

The feasibility of livestock insurance in Vietnam: Analyzing the supply side

Peru: Developing Poverty Assessment Tools

Why was it difficult to test poverty assessment tools in Peru?

Priorities for Enhancing Financial Education Among Poor Households in Poland: Qualitative Study Findings

Identifying gaps in financial education of poor households

Social Capital and Credit in a Javanese Village

Influence of local associations on rural credit
Guide / Toolkit

Social Performance Assessment System Design, Development and Institutionalization

How can a Social Performance Assessment System help improve performance?

Tapping the Financial Markets for Microfinance: Grameen Foundation USAs Promotion of this Emerging Trend

How can financial markets participate in the microfinance movement?

The Common Denominator: Numbers Using Cross-country and Micro Data on Access

Methods of measuring access, an exploration

The Microfinance Experience in Latin America and the Caribbean

An overview of microfinance in Latin America and comparisons with Asia