All Publications

Showing 6551 - 6560 of 9051
Guide / Toolkit

Supporting Women's ICT-Based Enterprises: A Handbook for Agencies in Development

Manual to help promote, initiate and improve women's ICT-based micro and small enterprise
Case Study

Tapping the Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: A Case Study of Aviva Life Insurance and Linkages with Microfinance Institutions

A case study on the development of the insurance business in India and linkages to microfinance
Case Study

Test Case: Project Dungganon (A)

Enabling the poor to fight poverty and build a future

The Access Frontier for Health Insurance

Lending a hand to the South African poor – Models for insurance

The Art and Science of Pricing Financial Services

What are the intricacies of pricing?

The Banking and Financial Services Act: Chapter 387 of the Laws of Zambia

The interpretation and application of Zambia's Banking and Financial Services Act

The Complementary Use of Loans and Grants

How to use grants to graduate people to credit and other financial services?
Case Study

The DUP Partnership Case: Differential Pricing for Partners

Considering differential interest rates in microfinance

The Financial Diaries: Investigating the Financial Lives of the Poor in South Africa

Presenting a detailed picture of the financial lives of the poor in South Africa