All Publications

Showing 6231 - 6240 of 9053

Survey Report of Microfinance Institutions Affected by Tsunami

The present state of 41 MFIs in 9 districts struck by the tsunami in Sri Lanka

The Economics of Migrants' Remittances

An exploration of the effects of remittances on inequalities within a community

The Future of the Commercial Microfinance Industry in Asia

Microfinance industry in the Asian markets
Case Study

The Microbanking Division of Bank Rakyat Indonesia: A Flagship of Rural Microfinance in Asia

What has made the microfinance division of Bank Rakyat Indonesia successful?
Case Study

The Wider Social Impacts of BRAC's Group-based Lending in Rural Bangladesh: Group Dynamics and Participation in Public Life

Impact of BRAC's microfinance beyond the household domain

What Does the Bank of Mongolia Do to Promote Microfinance?

The main objectives of the 'Year of Microfinance and Support to Small and Medium Entrepreneurship'
Case Study

ACCION Poverty Outreach Findings & Analysis: BancoSol, Bolivia

Measuring the poverty profile of BancaSol clients

Banking at the Base of the Pyramid: A Microfinance Primer for Commercial Banks

Is the increasing entry of banks in microfinance a sign of its potential for profitability?
Case Study

Delta Life: Bangladesh

What lessons has Delta Life learned in providing insurance products?