All Publications

Showing 601 - 610 of 9066

Regulatory and Supervisory Approaches for NBFCs

This position paper provides a holistic vision for the role of non-banking finance companies in India's credit ecosystem and the corresponding regulatory, supervisory and resolution frameworks that should apply to them.


Regulatory Flexibility During the Pandemic: Emerging Lessons

This policy brief examines the types of regulatory flexibility adopted in response to the pandemic and provides early evidence on the impact of these measures.


Savings and Retail Banking in Africa: A Case Study on Mobile Financial Services

This case study​ benchmarks the impact and potential of mobile financial services in several low-income markets in Africa.


The Fintech Gender Gap

Looking at a survey of over 27,000 adults from 28 major economies, this paper suggests potential explanations for the gender gap and implications for challenges in fostering financial inclusion with new technology.


The Next Wave of Suptech Innovation

The objective of this technical note is to assist market conduct authorities to build and enhance supervisory capacity and efficiency by providing concrete examples where supervisory technology can be leveraged.


The Role of Consumer Organizations to Support Consumers of Financial Services in Low and Middle Income Countries

Based on a survey with 36 members of Consumers International from 32 low- and middle-income countries this report highlights key approaches that consumer associations can use to advocate for better financial consumer protection.


The Stories Algorithms Tell: Bias and Financial Inclusion at the Data Margins

This publication shares insights for financial inclusion stakeholders on what algorithms can say about who is creditworthy in emerging markets, the risks for those it leaves out, and what it all might mean for inclusive finance.


What's Next for Social Protection in Light of COVID-19: Country Responses

This publication focuses on the urgency and importance of providing comprehensive and adequate social protection to all—especially in times of crisis.


Youth Financial Inclusion Policy Framework

Based on AFI members experiences, this policy framework provides regulatory and policy approaches recommended to advance the youth financial inclusion agenda.


2019 Trends in International Funding for Financial Inclusion

CGAP Funder Survey documenting global trends in funding for financial inclusion.