All Publications
Showing 8411 - 8420 of 9078
Lessons Learned in Rural Finance at the Inter-American Development Bank
Rural finance in Latin America: How can it be developed?
Liquidity Management: A Toolkit for Microfinance Institutions
Providing guidelines on implementing liquidity management in MFIs
Mainstreaming Microfinance of Housing
Is housing microfinance set to be the next big thing?
Making the Poor Women Reach Markets: "SEWA's Journey"
Discussing SEWA's approach in organizing rural members
Malawi: Non-Governmental Organizations Bill, 2000
A look at the requirements for non-government organizations operating in Malawi
Mali Financial Intermediation between MFIs and Banks Development Policy Paper
How should banks intermediate with MFIs?
Micro-Lending - A Case for Regulation
Should banking legislations in the European Union govern micro-lending too?
Micro-lending as a Model for Efficient Commercial Small-Scale Lending and its Application in Banks
What can banks learn from microlenders?
Microcredit and the Poorest of the Poor: Theory and Evidence from Bolivia
What determines the depth of outreach?
Microfinance & Sustainable Livelihood in Lao PDR (Technical Review Mission)
How successful has microfinance been in Lao PDR?