
Malawi: Non-Governmental Organizations Bill, 2000

A look at the requirements for non-government organizations operating in Malawi
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This Bill addresses issues that relate to the registration and requirements for non-government organizations (NGOs) operating in Malawi. It aims at:

  • Enhancement of NGO contribution to the economy through the provision of social services and the creation of employment by ensuring that this is done efficiently and equitably;
  • Equitable sectoral and geographical distribution of NGO operations;
  • Accountability and transparency of NGOs;
  • Coordination and consultation with the government in the implementation of NGO activities;
  • Uniformity in the implementation of policies.

The Bill is divided into eleven parts, which deal with:

  • Preliminary issues such as the interpretation of words that the Bill uses, its objectives and exempt organizations;
  • Establishment of the 'NGO Board of Malawi' - its constitution, considerations for disqualification, etc;
  • Issues relating to the Board - the Board's power to establish a committee, requirements from Board members, etc;
  • Duties and functions of the Board, such as:
    • Considering applications for registration by NGOs and ensuring due compliance by NGOs;
    • Determining incentives applicable to NGOs;
    • Commissioning research with a view to advising the Government.
  • Management of the Board;
  • Registration of NGOs;
  • Designated NGO coordinating body;
  • General Assembly ;
  • Financial provisions and the sources of funds;
  • Fundraising;
  • Miscellaneous provisions such as those relating to offences and penalties.

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