All Publications
Showing 5751 - 5760 of 9080
Impact Study. Innovation for Increasing the Security on Unnerved and Needy Clients (Insurance)
The potential of ANIDASO microinsurance product in reducing vulnerability
Improving and Monitoring Customer Retention
Presenting a framework to improve client retention and monitor causes of desertion
Improving Portfolio Quality: The Janashakti Case
Can effective delinquency management strategy and committed leadership impact portfolio quality?
Income Generating Activities for People Living with HIV and AIDS, Mashuru, Kenya
This report highlights income generating activities in Kenya
Increasing the Outreach and Sustainability of Microfinance through ICT Innovation
Is ICT innovation a key strategy to increase microfinance outreach and sustainability?
Influencing Girls' Lives: Acceptability and Effectiveness of a Livelihoods Skill Building Intervention in Gujarat
Evaluating effectiveness of a livelihood skills building program
Innovations in Information Technologies
On the process for introducing mobile banking technologies through handheld computers in Mali
Innovations in Reducing Costs and Enhancing Productivity: Field Treasury Systems
Discussing internal factors that increase the cost of funds for MFIs and how to respond
Innovations in Rural and Agricultural Finance in Moldova
Overcoming the challenges of improving access to financial services for rural communities
Insurance of Crops – A Fresh Look
An overview of the actual state of agricultural and crop insurance