
Insurance of Crops – A Fresh Look

An overview of the actual state of agricultural and crop insurance
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This paper examines the role of crop insurance and provides an overview of its development process.

The paper states that there are three boundaries to crop insurance:

  • It is bought and sold in a market,
  • It has a limited role in risk management in farming,
  • Limitations to the scope for effective and economic crop insurance can change over time.

The paper describes:

  • The current state of crop insurance, globally.
  • The growth in demand for crop insurance and its influencing factors:
    • Crop damaging weather events,
    • Commercialization of farming,
    • World Trade Organization (WTO) regulations,
    • New insurance products,
    • Accidental introduction of exotic pests and diseases,
    • Environmental protection and food safety concerns.
    • Crop revenue insurance products and index-based insurance products.
    • Steps in the development process of crop insurance.

    The paper concludes with the following suggestions for the roles that governments and the private sector could play in crop insurance:

    • Ensuring that any existing company or new entity has a sound legal basis and an adequate financial base on which to offer insurance products,
    • Clarifying the government’s objective in promoting crop insurance,
    • Establishing strong linkages with international re-insurers,
    • Working closely with representatives of the farming and/or forestry sectors.

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