
The Overlap between Customer Service and Social Performance Management

Enhancing customer service through social performance management

This Briefing Note discusses Microsave’s customer service and social performance toolkits, emphasizing their focus on the customer.

MicroSave has worked with a variety of banks and MFIs across Africa and Asia to implement customer service programs that have made significant impact on the organizations' social performance. MicroSave’s SPM toolkit helps MFIs to choose their steps in implementing SPM and provides technical assistance to ensure uptake. The customer service toolkit uses market research to examine perceptions and priorities of clients and staff.

Excellent customer service needs a strategy, commitment, and continuous improvement. The SPM framework:

  • Provides opportunities to MFIs to be proactive in defining a socially relevant mission and fulfilling it; Offers opportunities to measure social performance and take corrective action;
  • Offers practical tools that give feedback to stakeholders on the organizations’ responsibility;
  • Gives scope for systematic feedback;
  • Puts customers and stakeholders at the center;
  • Recognizes that staff matter as much as customers.

About this Publication

By Veena Yamini A.