
Managing Social Performance: Fonkoze (Haiti)

Examining importance of social performance in operational decision-making
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This paper discusses Fonkoze’s social performance management (SPM).

Fonkoze Foundation and its subsidiary, Fonkoze Financial Services (SFF), works with rural poor people in Haiti in a challenging environment, characterized by high rates of poverty and inequality, political instability and insecurity, high levels of corruption, economic stagnation and inflation, lack of infrastructure, and a low skills base for staff. The paper states that Fonkoze has a strong social orientation and a clear strategy to achieve its social goals. Key features of Fonkoze’s strategy to achieve its social goals include:

  • Strong and holistic poverty focus,
  • Range of financial services for different client segments;
  • Effective non-financial support services;
  • Outreach across Haiti, mainly to rural, underserved areas;
  • Operating SFF as a separate financial services company;
  • Development of a social monitoring unit.

Fonkoze’s experience with SPM highlight its strong SPM ethos, commitment of its leadership and staff, clear mission, contribution of social performance to strategic-level decisions and branch-level operations and its innovative client monitoring system which provides actionable feedback to management and promotes a focus on social performance within branch operations.

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