Displaying 351 - 360 of 429

Poverty and Public Celebrations in Rural India

What conditions justify spending large sums of money for celebrations?

Lending Products: What Have We Learnt?

How have micro-lenders approached innovation?

Sustainable Banking with the Poor: A Worldwide Inventory of Microfinance Institutions

Leading microfinance institutions around the world and their institutional characteristics

Rural Finance: Savings Mobilization Potential and Deposit Instruments in Marginal Areas in Mexico

What are the key elements of successful rural savings mobilization in Mexico?
Case Study

The Evolution of Commercial Finance in Russian Agriculture

How to improve commercial financing for agriculture in Russia?

Credit Scoring: Tool for More Efficient SME Lending

Assessing the impact of credit scoring on lending

Electronic Finance: Reshaping the Financial Landscape Around the World

Can e-finance lead to improved financial services across the world?

Building Networks of Service-Providing Institutions: Sourcebook

Do networks really benefit the member institutions?

Does Social Capital Facilitate the Poor's Access to Credit? A Review of the Microeconomic Literature

This paper reports on the progress of the Social Capital Initiative

The Rural Non-Farm Sector: Characteristics, Importance, Policies

Strategies to promote rural non-farm sector