Displaying 341 - 350 of 430

E-Finance and Small and Medium-size Enterprises (SMEs) in Developing and Transition Economies

Can e-finance strengthen small and medium enterprise initiatives?

The State of E-Finance in Developing Countries: Bangladesh Perspective

Using Information Technology for financial solutions

Does Foreign Bank Penetration Reduce Access to Credit in Developing Countries? Evidence from Asking Borrowers

Foreign banks in developing countries: Are the small enterprises being left out?

Viewing Microinsurance as a Social Risk Management Instrument

Can microinsurance enrich the Social Risk Management toolbox?

Innovative Approaches to Microfinance in Post-conflict Situations: Bosnia Local Initiatives Project

Examining the success of the World Bank's Local Initiatives Project in Bosnia-Herzegovina

The Solution Based on Cooperation for the Centalization of Information and Support to Credit Decisions

Centralised knowledge base helps in mitigating overall business risks in the economy

E-Finance in Emerging Markets: Is Leapfrogging Possible?

How to realize the gains of e-finance and create opportunities for underdeveloped financial systems?

The Impact of Farm Credit in Pakistan

How can rural credit schemes best reach the poor?

Developing Rainfall-Based Index Insurance in Morocco

Could rainfall-based risks be mitigated in Morocco?