Displaying 271 - 280 of 444

Innovation in Agricultural Insurance: Linkages to Microfinance

Index insurance: A unique opportunity for microfinance entities

Refuge to Return: Operational Lessons for Serving Mobile Populations in Conflict-affected Environments

What are the lessons to be learnt from the Refuge to Return model?

Notes from the Field: Mozambique

How rapidly is Mozambique's microfinance sector growing?

Review of Poverty Assessment Tools

Developing low-cost, objective, and quantitative poverty assessment methods

Brief 5- Searching for Differences: Microfinance Following Conflict vs. Other Environments

Discussion of the similarities and differences between post-conflict and regular settings

Developing Certification Criteria Workshop: Final Workshop Report

What should be the characteristics of the ideal poverty assessment tools?

Brief 4- Environmental Preconditions for Successful Post-Conflict Microfinance

Examining environmental conditions that are “essential” and “preferred” for micro finance success
Case Study

Microenterprise: Laying the Foundation for Economic Development

USAID's activities in 2002

Banks in Microfinance: Guidelines for Successful Partnerships

Working with commercial banks to launch and run microfinance operations

Brief 7- Microfinance for Special Groups: Refugees, Demobilized Soldiers, and Other Populations

Analyzing lessons learned and risk levels for microfinance for different post-conflict populations