
Brief 5- Searching for Differences: Microfinance Following Conflict vs. Other Environments

Discussion of the similarities and differences between post-conflict and regular settings

Since 1997, significant energy has been devoted to the question, “"What is unique to microfinance operating in immediate post-conflict environments?”" From papers to workshops to virtual conferences, kernels of information have emerged, which are captured in this brief. 

These findings are organized as follows. First, the brief discusses the aspects of microfinance that are the SAME in a post-conflict environment as in any other environment. This list is designed to help both microfinance and relief organizations alike to plot a common course that leads to long-term microfinance success. 

Second, the brief lays out those elements that are different, either in approach or magnitude, in a post-conflict environment. This section is designed to help microfinance organizations entering post-conflict settings to set realistic expectations for their programs and staff.

[Author's abstract]

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