Displaying 291 - 300 of 444

Microcredit Organizations and Savings Mobilization in Bosnia and Herzegovina: An Assessment for USAID

Will the transformation of microcredit organizations into deposit-taking organizations help growth?

Survey of the Microfinance Sector in Uzbekistan

Microfinance development in Uzbekistan: The way ahead
Case Study

Assessing Microfinance and the USAID MABS Program in the Philippines: Under the Microscope of the New Institutional Economics

How effective has the MABS program been in the Philippines?
Case Study

Alternative Measures of the Effectiveness of Microfinance Organisations

Comparing accepted standards with improved measures for evaluating microfinance institutions

Linking the Poor to Opportunity: The Microenterprise Development Initiative

USAID's microenterprise development strategy and highlights of its achievements in 2001

Buyer and Supplier Credit to Farmers: Do Donors have a Role to Play?

Proceedings: Paving the Way Forward for Rural Finance: An International Conference on Best Practices

Second Newly Independent States Policy Forum on Microfinance Law and Regulation

Proceedings from the Second Newly Independent States Policy Forum on Microfinance Law and Regulation
Case Study

Microfinance and Mitigation of the Impacts of HIV/AIDS : An Exploratory Study from Zimbabwe

Microfinance as a strategy to help households mitigate the negative economic impacts of HIV/AIDS

Bulgaria Microfinance Assessment

Suggesting ways for USAID to contribute to the growth of its microfinance programs in Bulgaria