Displaying 31 - 40 of 180

Innovative Gender Bond Series Uplifts Rural Women to Drive Climate Action in Asia

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and the United Nations Capital Development Fund partnered with Impact Investment Exchange to support rural women entrepreneurs across the region to access affordable and well-regulated financial services.


Samoa’s First Parametric Microinsurance Product Launched to Cushion Impact of Climate Change

The product which was developed by the Pacific Insurance and Climate Adaptation Programme, will be piloted in Samoa over the next 12 months.


Assessing Digital and Financial Literacy in Solomon Islands: Survey on Knowledge, Skills and Access

To address the digital and financial literacy gap, UNCDF conducted the Digital and Financial Literacy Survey in Solomon Islands to assess the current state of digital and financial literacy within the country.


Digital Financial Services for Garment Workers in Bangladesh

This research sheds light on digital financial capabilities, financial products availability and usage, and social welfare ecosystem in Bangladesh.


UNCDF Gender Financing Case Studies

The UNCDF Gender financing case studies report showcases 32 examples of how strategic financing interventions can promote women's economic empowerment and gender equality.


Women in the Digital Economy: Challenges & Opportunities in the Shea Value Chain in Uganda

This publication highlights the untapped opportunity the shea value chain in Northern Uganda presents, with the potential to transform the livelihood of individuals, families and the entire region if harnessed well.


Demand and Supply Study Report on Climate and Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance in Samoa

This report examines the impact of disasters caused by environmental hazards on individuals and households across Samoa and explores financial gaps that could be filled through climate and disaster risk financing solutions.


Fintech for Who? Demand for Digital Financial Services and Fintech in Tanzania

This paper explores the drivers of demand for digital financial services and fintech: perceived cost, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk, and social norms.


Parametric Insurance Instilling Sense of Security in Tonga

The introduction of parametric insurance in Tonga last year is already having a positive impact on the mindset of beneficiaries, as well as the country’s overall financial services ecosystem.


World Food Programme and UN Capital Development Fund Launch New Finance Initiative to Support Zero Hunger

The new, innovative funding mechanism WFP BRIDGE aims to catalyze additional funding for businesses working towards ending hunger in challenging environments and who often struggle to access commercial financing mechanisms.