Displaying 51 - 60 of 180

Howden Group Partners With UNCDF to Build Climate Resilience for Vulnerable Communities in Fiji

The UN Capital Development Fund is pleased to announce international insurance group, Howden, as a new addition to its long list of private sector partners helping fight climate change in the Pacific.


Igniting SDG Progress Through Digital Financial Inclusion

This edition of SDG Progress provides extensive evidence-based examples of the benefits of digital financial services for the 13 relevant Sustainable Development Goals with a stronger focus on women and climate change.


Migrant Insurance and Pension: Gazing Through the Future

This paper explores the possibilities of leveraging the potential of migrant insurance and pensions that can contribute to their comprehensive financial resilience.


Scaling the Next Frontiers in Migrant Money: The Case for Insurance and Pensions

This paper details the demand levels, the ecosystem and the institutional factors that need to be explored to realize the potential of insurance and pensions, contributing to financial resilience of migrants worldwide.


Migrant Financial Resilience: Where Are We in Preparing the Building Blocks?

This paper details the existing ecosystem of providing social protection services, including contributory insurance and pensions for the migrant communities.


Digital Financial Literacy via E-commerce: Implications for Bangladesh, Especially for Women in Business

This paper explores and evaluates the best ways to reach the less digitally and financially literate segments of the community in Bangladesh, especially women, to ensure that ultimately no one is left behind.


EU, UN and France Boost Access to Climate Finance for Local Governments in the Southern Mediterranean Region

The "Advancing Climate Adaptation in the Southern Mediterranean" program aims to increase climate and environment resilience in the Southern Mediterranean countries.


ITC, UN Capital Development Fund Partner to Unlock Financing for Women, Youth and Small Businesses

The organizations will work together to unlock finance for MSMEs to help advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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Scaling up Access to Finance in Kigoma, Tanzania

This study shares lessons learned in building financial and digital capability while introducing agricultural technology interventions to savings groups through the UN Kigoma Joint Program.


UNCDF Launches Capital Pathways Platform to Bridge the Finance Gap for Frontier Markets of Today & Tomorrow

The platform is intended to scale pathways to capital in support of sustainable finance, specifically for the world’s frontier markets of today and the growth markets of tomorrow.