
Women in the Digital Economy: Challenges & Opportunities in the Shea Value Chain in Uganda

UNCDF in partnership with Nyowe Ventures recently conducted a baseline study to gather information on access to finance, access to information, access to markets, and information pertaining to gender-based violence (GBV) in the shea value chain in Uganda. The objective of the study was to inform the outcomes and impact indicators of a Women’s Economic Empowerment project, specifically focusing on various aspects related to women’s agency, confidence, decision making, participation and inclusion in the digital economy.

The study aimed to assess the current situation and identify key areas for improvement to guide the design of effective interventions for women in the shea value chain, enhance their economic empowerment, and facilitate their active participation in the digital economy. This publication is based on the results of this study and highlights the untapped opportunity the shea value chain in Northern Uganda presents, with the potential to transform the livelihood of individuals, families and the entire region if harnessed well.

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