Displaying 11 - 20 of 44
Case Study

CRECER, Bolivia: SPM in Practice

This paper describes the progress made by CRECER in managing social performance
Case Study

AMK, Cambodia: SPM in Practice

This study presents AMK’s framework to manage social performance.
Case Study

Social and Economic Impacts of PRADAN's Self Help Group Microfinance and Livelihoods Promotion Program: Analysis from Jharkhand, India

Has PRADAN's self help group - bank linkage model had a positive impact on clients' lives?

Using Surveys Effectively (Practice Note No. 4)

Key issues in planning, designing and implementing an imapct survey
Guide / Toolkit

Choosing and Using Indicators for Effective Social Performance Management (Practice Note No. 5)

Steps to develop indicators for effective social performance management system
Guide / Toolkit

Planning Research to Assess Social Performance: Guidance for Managers (Practice Note No. 6)

A step-by-step guide for planning social performance research

Working with Formal Financial Institutions: Expanding Access and Achieving Social Performance

Rationale for governments, donors and social investors for working with the formal financial sector

Tracking Client Performance: Monitoring Systems for Social Performance Management

A cost effective way for MFIs to meet their social goals