Displaying 21 - 30 of 44
Case Study

LAPO, Nigeria-Final Report, September 2004

The Lift Above Poverty Organization/Imp-Act partnership - has it worked?

Assessing The Social Performance of Microfinance Using the QUIP: Findings from Huancayo, Chimbote and Cajamarca, Peru

How can microfinance practitioners monitor their contribution to poverty alleviation?

Integrating Poverty Assessment into Client Assessment

Can assessment help MFIs further their mission of poverty alleviation?
Case Study

Report of the Findings from the LAPO Client Exit Study: Nigeria 2003

Why are clients leaving Life Above Poverty Organization's microfinance program?

The Dynamics of Competition in Karatina's Financial Markets: Assessing the Impact of Microfinance in Kenya

The impact of MFIs within the financial market considering competition and demonstration effects

Issues in Designing Effective Microfinance Impact Asssessment Systems

How effective is your microfinance program?

QUIP: Understanding Clients through In-depth Interviews

In-depth individual interviews to assess impact of microfinance services

Cost-effective Social Performance Management: Meeting the Social and Financial Goals of Microfinance

Presenting a framework for assessing social performance

Scoring Change: Prizma's Approach to Assessing Poverty

Development and benefits of a poverty scorecard