Displaying 511 - 520 of 584

Microenterprise Development Works: Outcomes For Clients

Have microenterprise development programs been able to meet their goals?
Case Study

Poverty Reduced Through Microfinance: The Impact of ASHI in the Philippines

A practitioner-led evaluation to assess the impacts of a microfinance program
Case Study

Do Microfinance Institutions Reach the Poorest?

Studying the poverty outreach of four selected MFIs

Closing the Gap: The Link between Social Capital and Microfinance Services

Effect of social capital on productivity and performance of the Mexican solidarity funds

How Can Impact Assessments Facilitate Stronger Collaboration Between DFOs?

What links networking and experimentation?

Making Impact Assessment More Participatory: Ford Foundation Sponsored Development Finance Impact Assessment Planning Workshop

The basic approach in utilizing the tools and techniques of participatory impact assessment

The Impact of Access to Credit on the Saving Behavior of Microentrepreneurs: Evidence from 3 Latin American Countries

Why shifting savings into deposit accounts benefits microentrepreneurs and financial markets
Case Study

ICMC and Project Enterprise Bosnia and Herzegovina

Measuring the impact of a microlending program

Guidelines for microfinance impact assessments

What guides the planning, design and conduct of useful microfinance impact assessments?