Displaying 491 - 500 of 584

Evaluation and Microenterprise Programs

Is microenterprise a good use of scarce development funds?

Qualitative Methods

Are qualitative methods necessary for impact assessments?

Institutional Sustainability & Impact of Small Farmer Co-operatives Limited

How to make small farmers cooperatives work?

Tracking the Progress of 239 Microcredit Program Participants in Guatemala: 1994-1999

Analyzing long-term patterns of development among microcredit borrowers
Guide / Toolkit

Basic Impact Assessment at Project Level

The core elements of impact assessment and its relation to enterprise development interventions

The Impact of Three Microfinance Programs in Uganda

Do microfinance programs reach their target groups?

Access to Credit and Its Impact on Welfare in Malawi 2001, Other USAID Supported Study

Do households who participate in credit programmes improve their living conditions?

Use and Impact of Savings Services Among Poor People in Zambia

Do the poor save and what is the impacts of savings on their lives?